Mr. Ted Weaver, P.E. Instructor
From the beginning of the 1st school quarter, our P.E. program went right to work with warm up exercises and fun sport games. We have just completed our first of five timed tested events, the Shuttle Run, leading to qualification of the National and Presidential Fitness Award. We are now working on Sit-Ups, with timed tests coming in late November and early December.
For our Volleyball Team Tournaments, the 5th, 6th and 7th graders will be performing for the lower grades in a week.
Our first winners of the Polar Bear Sportsmanship Award when to:
Natane Yaecob, Megan Rickaby, Andrew Santos, Stella Mittleider and Addison Shivvers. Their poster picture will appear in the hallway as soon as T-shirts can be ordered. These five students demonstrated daily active class participation, leadership, and sportsmanship skills.
I’m very proud of all of our students in my P.E. classes and I enjoy watching them work hard to achieve their individual fitness goals. Each student was given their qualification sheet to take home and share with all family members. Please praise your child for their efforts and accomplishments.  Updated results will be sent home next month.